Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tapeonesidea got a review

from: http://posafebeats.blogspot.com/2008/10/beat-tape-makakai-beats-tapeonesidea.html:

"Coming straight out of Martinez, California is Malakai Beats. I never heard of this dude until he dropped a link to this EP/beat tape on the UGHH beat thread with the note attached: "please pass this along, kick back, listen, freestyle, and enjoy!" Y'all know I can't resist a free download, and just for kicks I checked out his MySpace. The music on his page was pretty good with an interesting tracked called "CREAM part 2," an attempt at re-flipping the original Wu Tang sample.

Today on my commute home I gave tapeonesidea a listen, and I was impressed! The beats are solid. The standout tracks for me are "Back to the Drawing Board," "Overture (RIP Clockwork)," and "Modulated Freshness." "Back to the Drawing Board" makes me want to get a new mixer and start scratchin' again. I love how hearing one track can get you motivated. I suggest you download this EP, kick back and listen, and don't forget to pass it along.

Download Malakai Beats tapeonesidea here. (Bandcamp link)
And check out his MySpace: myspace.com/malakaiproductions"

be sure to peep out his blog, it's dope. much respect

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

malakai beats/tapeonesidea - free download album

update from feb. 2011: it's now an lp available from bandcamp (link updated).

download via bandcamp:
